Shooting your shot relevant, successful

Macy Rice

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While the hashtag “#shootyourshot2016” gained popularity on Twitter last year, it mostly regarded sliding into the DMs of a potential significant other. However, the phrase can also be applied to other aspects of life, such as trying out for a new sport or even applying to an Ivy League college.

Risk aversion is known as the preference of lower returns with known risks rather than high returns with unknown risks. Often, humans favor risk aversion instead of putting their vulnerability out on the line. While the status quo might not be fulfilling, it can seem like an easier, less scary option. According to Forbes, advances in brain imaging technology have verified that humans are wired to be risk averse. Humans exaggerate the consequences of what might happen if something goes wrong, as well as our ability to handle the consequences of risk.

It is common knowledge that risky chances offer far less control than reasonable chances. The ironic thing is that not taking a chance because it appears “risky” does not actually offer more control, it just keeps the goal from being met. Avoiding the risky, uncomfortable situations may offer comfort in the short-term, but the problem with this band-aid solution is that the anxiety connected with this risk will continue to return.

Taking risks is important because it creates higher standards. It pushes the boundaries of comfort zones and inherently creates new standards. Taking risks also teaches an individual a lot about him or herself, because risks are typically an expression of an individuals ideas. Risk taking boosts confidence levels; as the more an individual experiences success with risks, the more confident they will become.

The phrase “life is short” has been used over and over again, but only because it is true. So, go try out for that sports team and apply to that dream college. All goals worth achieving require feeling uncomfortable to a certain extent. While it is easier said than done, do not let the fear of failure become an ultimate factor.