Littlejohn to fill resource officer position left by sheriff Gay

Looking forward to new experiences, continuing support programs

Erica Beebe

More stories from Erica Beebe


Starting in January the high school will have a new face roaming the halls. Officer Gary Littlejohn has been assigned the high school SRO (student resource officer) job to take the place of Officer Chad Gay, who is now the Sheriff.

“[I think the high school will be different than the middle school] mostly because of maturity level. I also know a lot of kids already, and I can be more direct and upfront with high schoolers. The high school will be easier for me because I won’t have to go from Chisholm to Santa Fe and split my time, because I have both schools right now,” Littlejohn said.

When Littlejohn starts his new job at one school, he will be leaving behind two others. Yet, with over 10 years of experience, Littlejohn is optimistic about the future and plans to continue Gay’s work and programs.

“Chad has the law enforcement program that I’d definitely like to keep going. When I was with the sheriff’s department I was actually a part of the explorer program and it has a lot to do with law enforcement so I’d like to keep that going and maybe even look into trying to get more people interested,” Littlejohn said.

According to Littlejohn, there is a big difference between middle school and high school. This change is something he looks forward to as he walks the halls with Gay and learns more about the high school.

“This is where I’d like to be. This is the age group that I like to deal with. I don’t mind middle school, because in middle school you still have a chance to help them, but the adolescence makes a big difference…Here at the high school they’re pretty much set and you just get to help them make better choices because they’re old enough to make their own choices, and they know that what they’re doing is pretty much correct, and I just have to help them fix it if they do make a mistake,” Littlejohn said.

While Littlejohn moves into his new position, another officer will move in to fill his old one. Officer Charles Shell will be the new SRO for Santa Fe and Chisholm beginning in January.

“He has been at the police department for awhile. I’ll start showing him around and helping him get used to the schools the next few weeks. He’ll come in and out with me and I’ll show him around,” Littlejohn said.

The many changes in position are scheduled to take place in the school district and around town starting in January. These officers prepare for changes in jobs and responsibilities while Officer Gay prepares to take on the responsibility of sheriff. Meanwhile, Newton will be seeing many more changes.