Ag Academy Presentations

More stories from Shelby Spreier

Hillbilly Olympics
March 10, 2020
Sophomores Madison Beasley and Cole Billinger talk before presenting.

On Jan. 28- Feb. 1 the Ag Academy presented to Freshmen and Sophomore biology classes to inform them about Ag Academy. Students in the Ag Academy created a presentation explaining how the program works, what you do in it, and how you get into it.

“The presentations were to help people understand what Ag Academy is, how fun it is, and how it’s very helpful for the future,” sophomore Taylor Smith said.

Sophomores and Freshmen this year have the ability to apply for Ag Academy. The program allows you to get more interns, job shadows, and a further understanding of what you want to do in the future. The Ag Academy classes are all focused on agriculture in some way. Students in the Ag Academy now are all sophomores, they have had many hands on experiences, field trips, and class bonding opportunities. They are encouraging others to join the program next school year.

“The whole class is one big family, we are always there for each other learning and supporting everyone. We learn much more different things than I did in my regular classes last year. It was a great decision to join,” Smith said.