‘Love trumps all’ means accepting different beliefs

More stories from Michaela Regier

Between the daily acts of violence across the globe and over-the-top callouts in politics, any given conversation can turn very depressing very fast. While news is not intended to be about butterflies and rainbows, it did not used to be this negative either. Powerful protests take over the streets of major cities and celebrity speeches challenge political figures. This much social uprising and backlash has not occurred since the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and anti-war area of the 1970s. This is a new era. The era of fighting for acceptance.

There has been new focuses on the acception of mental illness’, women equality, race, religious beliefs and the LGBT community. There has been waves of new laws and ideas of acceptance for many kinds of people. Celebrities have joined with the middle and lower classes to make the cause even more powerful, but with their outcries for love comes a negative effect. The blame is always pushed onto someone or something else. They target a person or group of people to hate instead. The irony in the entire situation is astounding. ‘Love trumps all’ should consider everyone, correct? Even those against the cause should be apart of the ‘all’ in this catch phrase. They are apart of ‘all’ people on earth. It is okay to disagree and important to discuss one’s differences and beliefs, but leave it to a discussion. There is no reason to hate a person for their beliefs or to slam them because that is how a hypocrite is formed. One can not preach love and acceptance as their morals while the resent someone for theirs.

The biblical command “love thy neighbor” is in dire need of compliance. When everyone truly loves their neighbor, enemy and friend alike, then and only then, will ‘love trump all.’