CTE Presentations at Chisholm

More stories from Shelby Spreier

Hillbilly Olympics
March 10, 2020
Senior Madison Edison holds an infant simulator that the FACS pathway uses.

As a new way to help next years incoming freshmen choose their classes, students from 11 different pathways went to Chisholm Middle School on Jan. 30. Each pathway had two students to present what classes to take, what they do in those classes and how to get involved through clubs.

“The incoming freshmen definitely learned a lot more about the different pathways at the highschool than we did and I wish we had that opportunity but i’m glad they’re starting that now for the other incoming classes,” senior Emily Brandt said.

Students didn’t just speak to the incoming freshmen, they also brought different things to represent their pathway. Some of the many things they brought were activities, fliers, demonstrations and examples of things made/ used in classes.

“For the pathway Agriculture we brought stuff to make butter with the students, they were given a small container of heavy whipping cream and they were supposed to shake it while we talked to them about the classes they can take,” junior Cole Billinger said.

The 11 different pathways presented were Health Science, FACS, AV Communications, Marketing, Finance, IT/Networking, Auto, Machining, Engineering, Welding and Agriculture.