Freshmen Basketball Game Jan. 14

More stories from Allyson Symonds

1st Clubs Feb. 21
March 12, 2020
Keeping the ball in his hands, freshman Justin Franz keeps the ball away from the Goddard players.

The freshmen boys basketball team played a game against Goddard on January 14 in Ravenscroft gym. In the beginning of the game the Railers had a lead by 10 points. The team worked together and made many plays they have been practicing. They also made a good number of lay-ups throughout the game as well as a decent amount of 3 point shots. Just like with other sports, there is always room for improvement. 


“Something we can do better is crash on the boards you know and try to get more rebounds. I think it went really well, we got the win,” freshman Isaac Klug said.

During the second period the Railers managed to stay ahead in the score and did not let the opposing team get any lead. The boys worked together as a team to make the plays happen. When necessary, their coach called timeouts and talked with the boys and told them what needed to happen before the next period. The freshman continued to work together throughout the whole rest of the game.

“I think the most important thing in basketball is we have to work as a team and get the job done. We can improve by not blaming each other for our mistakes and learning from those mistakes and just play better next time. I think we could have done better but overall, we worked well and we deserved the win,” freshman Eyezaeah Mosqueda said.

The Railers won with a final score of 56-37. After the final buzzer, the boys celebrated their win with each other and were very proud. The railers next game will be on hosted at Salina South High School on January 17.