Spanish II- September 5

More stories from Allyson Symonds

1st Clubs Feb. 21
March 12, 2020
Sophomores McKennah Cusick, Cecilia Erives, McKenna Porter and Jamie Prine all give high fives after getting a question correct in the activity.

SpanishⅡis a class for students who have taken Spanish I and are wanting to learn more advanced Spanish. Chandler Ochoa has been working with students to improve speaking, listening, writing and reading skills in Spanish. Lots of students wish to get new information out of this class.

“I’d like to be able to speak fluently and be able to travel to Mexico and live a couple years there. I really enjoy Spanish class and I really like the people in it and the environment,” sophomore Joel Franz said.

Recently students have been participating in group activities in class that include working with cards and reading Spanish sentences and being able to respond appropriately. This is how students can prepare for test while also improving their skills and getting what they want out of this class. Being able to understand Spanish and speak it can play a big role after students graduate from high school.

“I hope to make friends with people who can speak other languages and be able to go places and understand people and different languages,” sophomore McKenna Porter said.

Students will continue to learn all types of new information about the culture of spanish speaking countries as well as work on speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills.