Fashion Studio I

More stories from Emily Brandt

Holding it steady, freshman Noelle Buentello traces the fabric.

Students in Fashion Studio I learn the basics of the fashion industry as well as how to use a sewing machine to create fashionable garments. Students will be able to choose their own projects that best match their abilities.

Currently, students are working on making pants from scratch. As students have the time, they are allowed the freedom to make other items of clothing.

“Sometimes we have extra time if we get a project done. Ms. Schauf has extra fabric, so I was making a bralette,” freshman Noelle Buentello said.

Buentello explains the everyday skills gained from this class.

“[We learn] a lot more general knowledge of fashion and what goes together, what doesn’t go together. If you accidentally rip a hole in your shirt you know how to fix it,” Buentello said.

Ms. Schauf is the teacher for Intro to FACS, Fashion Studio 1, 2, & 3, Human Growth & Development, Family Studies, and Interior Design, and has been teaching here for 9 years.

“I like Ms. Schauf because she’s really helpful when we don’t know what to do, and it’s just a fun environment to be in,” sophomore Evelynn Bartley said.

The next project for Fashion Studio I will be making aprons.