Mr. Railerman Pageant

More stories from Schyler Entz

German 1 Class 2/28
March 12, 2020
Junior Michael Smith smiles to the crowd after receiving his first place award.

The second annual Mr. Railerman Pageant was held on Mar. 22 in the auditorium at 7 p.m. There was a total of 11 contestants and 3 guest teacher judges. Student Council used this event as a fundraiser and a way to donate cans to the Food Bank. The contestants participated in multiple different categories, talent, runway and lip sync battle.

“My favorite part was the lip sync battles because everyone on there up stage was having a lot of fun with it and the part of the competition where the competition was really taken out of it. We all were just doing it for fun.” senior Zach Garcia said.

During the talent portion there was singing, dancing, impressions, dating advice, juggling and playing musical instruments. Freshman Caleb Koontz performed a piece on the piano.

“I was very nervous about that, I only had four days to learn that piece that’s probably why I was nervous.” Koontz said. “I messed up once but other than that I thought it went pretty well.”

The finalist were junior Michael Smith, senior Seth Bontrager and sophomore Elijah Redington. The judges crowed Redington as second runner-up, Bontrager as runner-up and Smith as the pageant winner.

“I felt very proud [after he won], I mean like obviously it’s just a fundraiser but it’s still fun to do.” Smith said. “I was very proud of myself and everyone that was their.”