Learning to play an instrument is beneficial
More stories from Michaela Regier
Contrary to popular belief, there are intellectual and social reasons to learn an instrument other than to ‘pick up the babes’.
According to nationalgeographic.com, learning to play an instrument can aid in the resistance of memory loss and mental process reduction as well as increased vocal and literary abilities. It can also help boost coordination and motor control. This is especially true in young children.
The younger the brain, the easier it is to retain information and the more room there is for long-term storage. This is why learning a second language or an instrument is easier for a child than a 50-year-old, or even a high schooler. This means the earlier in life one learns an instrument, the easier it is for them to excel at it.
This being said, it is never too late to pick up an instrument. A study by assistant professor of music education at the University of South Florida, Tampa, Jennifer Bugos, shows that those ages 60-85 taking music lessons had improved many cognitive, motor and memory retention skills compared to those not taking music lessons.
Not only does this pastime expand cognitive and neurological skills, but it can benefit social skills as well. It gives a way to connect with people of all backgrounds and cultures. Louis Armstrong said, “…music has no age. As long as you are still doing something interesting and good.”