Almost, Maine Set Building

More stories from Schyler Entz

German 1 Class 2/28
March 12, 2020
Senior Marco Aramburu and sophomore Rikki Douglas measure out a piece of wood so it will fit in the empty space on the rotating platform.

Before the drama department puts on their production of “Almost, Maine” on Feb 8 and 9 at 7 p.m. and Feb 10 at 2 p.m, the cast has to get lots prepared. This past week thespians and drama students have been working during seminar and afterschool to build the set.

“We have to build an octagon that can rotate, and hold at least 2 people on it and it can spin,” junior Gabrielle Mathews said. “We also have to build walls for each set and we have to build porches, a couple of them because a few scenes have porches.”

The cast of the play has also been in the midst of many rehearsals so they can memorize their lines and get all of the blocking down.

“I feel prepared for my part, but I’m going to work more on memorization, work more on my blocking, so what I’m going to be doing during a scene and make sure everything Heidrick wants happens,” sophomore Creed Ekerberg said.