Communication about flirting key to success
More stories from Faye Smith
Senior Emily Robinson looks on as sophomore Faye Smith hangs on Robinson’s beau senior Jake Lindenmeyer. states that “to flirt” is “to court triffingly or act amorously without serious intentions; play at love.” People can be so hung up on the act of a significant other flirting with another person of the same or opposite sex that there can be worry it will deteriorate a relationship.
With the advancements of technology and social media taking off with the millennial generation, according to a conducted, 82 percent of teens said that online flirting was considered cheating. Along with the pressures of having a first real relationship in their lives, teens are worrying about whether or not their partner was being loyal while reading those movie date memes on twitter. Why should that matter? If there is not any trust between one another, for one person not to DM people or, God forbid, like another person’s instagram picture, there may be speculation whether or not the relationship is even worth saving.
In a study reported by, out of 100 people, only twenty-eight percent of people accurately detected flirting by another person. If only a little of a quarter of those people could see flirtatious behavior, that could be a major role the next time a conversation about “that girl” or “that guy” comes up. If there is a person that is “threatening” the relationship, the best option is to not only talk about it with your significant other, but talk with the person you feel is threatening the relationship.
So, if one person in a relationship can see the other is flirting, simply communicate. There may not be any indication that it is happening, especially on a platform where people cannot tell the difference between sarcastic comments and heartfelt messages.