Railiner Float Building

More stories from Emily Brandt

Freshmen Kayla Wong and Linda Shine, sophomores Evelynn Bartley, Sierra Wedel and Jordyn Spillane, junior Hayden Bruey and senior Katherine Sebes laugh while working together to create decorations for their homecoming parade float.

In addition to multiple other teams, clubs, and classes, the Railiner Dance Team prepared decorations for their homecoming float on Wednesday Sept. 26.

The girls gathered together at Newton Performing Art Center (NPAC) at 4 p.m. during their normal practice time. During this time, the team created colorful paper chains, designed cardboard fences, and decorated posters.

“We based it off of the movie “Up” and it was just to embody the movie and make it creative,” sophomore Evelynn Bartley said.

Throughout decorating, the girls shared snacks and laughed together while talking about their days.

“[The atmosphere] was very hardworking and fun. We got a lot of things done but had fun at the same time,” Bartley said.