Band students commit to performances

More stories from Caroline Barger

Alaina Stucky

Clarinet players perform in the pep band during a varsity home football game on Sept. 1.

Just like any other school extra curricular activity, the marching band and drumline spend time everyday preparing for their performances. A typical marching band practice consists of running through formations and going through the music that will be performed at that week’s game. Senior Douglas Ragon has been part of the pep band throughout high school and took on the role of conducting this year.

“Before a football game we usually spend about two weeks preparing the music, but this year we did it differently because we had different music for each game,” Ragon said. “In the past it would take us about two weeks to learn all of the drills and music, but since we have been doing things differently this year it only took us about less than a week to learn all of the marching stuff for each show.”

The drumline is known for their synchronization and new tricks in each performance, but many may not know the time that is put in when it comes to preparing for an event. Junior Daniel Buller plays the drums and has been part of the drumline for the past two years.

“During the summer we meet once a week throughout the whole summer and when it gets closer to the beginning of school we have a three-day camp where we show up for about three hours each day,” Buller said. “Something that many people don’t realize is how much time we put into all of the things that drumline consists of, because it takes a long time to learn everything and it’s definitely not easy.”

Due to the schedule change with the earlier start to school, the marching band has had to make many adjustments when it comes to practicing and their performance style.

“I would say that it is a very traditional experience, where we do things the same ways that they have done in the past up to this year. [We decided to change things up this year because] of the schedule change, causing zero hour to start earlier,” Ragon said.

Although drumline plays a big part when it comes to school spirit, performing for students and getting them pumped up at games is not the only thing they are apart of.

“There is one cadence we play that is called ‘Remo’ where all the students swing back and forth; everyone really likes that. It’s also fun performing at community events such as the chili cook off, Taste of Newton and, of course, pep assemblies and games,” Buller said.