Students should find social guidance counselor

More stories from Faye Smith

Freshman year is all about learning: what a career should look like, how to properly behave, how to grow up and most importantly, how to find a relatable group of friends. There are friends that have been there since the first grade, however, finding a mentor that not only has the same interests, but has a year or more of high school experience, is crucial to learning the social aspects of high school.

Upperclassmen know the ins and outs of the school, whether it is who is dating whom, the best classes to take, or the unique traditions that the school takes part in. In other words, upperclassmen are overflowing with advice. Just simply asking for guidance may begin a new friendship.

Whether that bond creates an everlasting relationship, through the many car rides, Sonic drinks, and late night gossip, or simply provides someone to wave to in the hallways, an upperclassman friend group is valuable. They are a familiar face that can lead someone through obstacles that are not published in the school handbook. Think of it as a personal social guidance counselor.
In reality though, all things must come to an end. The once handy high school mentor must walk the graduation stage at the end of May, but there is no need to worry. Underclassmen who were once mentored are now presented with the opportunity to become social guidance counselors for incoming classes and pass on knowledge of high school survival skills.