Students reflect on helpful teachers
May 17, 2021

Navigating through high school can be difficult for many students. The difficulties of everyday life are enhanced by the drama and cause for many students to lose sight of the real goal while in high school. Having an influential teacher can allow students to feel more comfortable and secure throughout their high school years and can help those students be led down a path to success rather than an alternative route.
Teachers main job is to teach their students to the best of their ability, but for many students these teachers become mentors. Science teacher Jerry Epp has been a very influential teacher in senior John Koontz’s high school experience. Koontz has had Epp for two different classes, one being freshman year and the other his junior year.

“Mr. Epp had me interested in the Ecology side of Biology for a little while, and I was even considering majoring in Biology for a time, mainly because I had him teaching me,” Koontz said.
Similarly to Koontz, senior Alondra Valle has found a teacher who has contributed to her discovery of her future plans. Valle has had algebra one and two along with a college algebra class with mathematics teacher Erica Rickard and says she has enjoyed every class. Rickard has been a teacher for Valle for three years of her high school career.
“I met Mrs. Rickard my freshman year because she was my algebra teacher,” Valle said. “She has taught me a lot of math but most importantly how not to give up when something is hard. I like algebra but Mrs. Rickard definitely made it a reason I kept liking it. She helped me figure out details of what I want to do in the future.”

Having an inspirational teacher has helped multiple seniors to learn different lessons throughout their high school years and develop passions for future career paths. Senior Miguel Molina Chavez has only had one class with English teacher Scott McCloud but that was enough for McCloud to teach him different lessons in life like how to keep in mind the importance of your own mental health.
“McCloud taught me a lot about how to manage a multiple class workload, balancing work with one’s own passions and desires,” Molina Chavez said. “In particular, he stressed the importance of knowing when to settle with an imperfect, yet suitable, grade in certain classes or assignments for the sake of one’s own health, an incredible applicable lesson which I’ll take with me into college and my future career.”

Valle and senior Jayden Smith have both taken multiple classes with their favorite teacher throughout their years at NHS. Molly Schauf has helped Smith get out of her comfort zone, especially in the area of public speaking. Schauf has had Smith as a student for five different classes along with helping sponsor a club that Smith participates in. The classes that Schauf taught have helped Smith realize that she wants to go into a people based job in her future.
“My favorite memory with Schauf would be after FCCLA state, she took us to the park for a little before going back to school, we convinced her to swing with us and play,” Smith said. “The teachers at NHS have sacrificed so much, whether it be for a club, or helping us learn while completely remote. I am so glad that I have met so many of the teachers I have.”