NHS students respond to ticketing limitations
Following the new guidelines put in place, students cheer for the football team while wearing masks to stop the spread of COVID-19.
September 11, 2020
With the crisp autumn air and the cannon firing, numerous NHS students love going to watch football games to support the Railers. This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been many limitations put in place for spectators going to these extracurricular events. One area that has been hit with a large restriction is the student section.
In order to minimize exposure, administration has required all spectators to wear masks, stay socially distant, and have decreased the number of people allowed to stand in the reserved student section.
“I was happy [to find out that we still had a student section] just because I didn’t think we were going to even have one,” senior Asha Regier said.
Do Crew officer, senior Marah Zenner believes with the precautions put in place, it makes cheering for the team an obstacle.
“It’s hard to be loud with masks on and with the student section being smaller, we feel like it’s harder for the team to hear us and to be a part of the game,” Zenner said. “The student section also looks small with the limited students. It hasn’t really helped us in any way, but we’re thankful we can have [a student section] at least.”
Do Crew has received a large amount of criticism from peers and members of the community.
“It’s weird for us because we are all athletes and we think it’s important to be doing sports,” Zenner said. “We all know what [sports] have done for us so it’s upsetting when people think we shouldn’t have them.”
Even with these restrictions, countless students still showed up and supported the team at their home game on Sept. 4th against Andover Central.
“I went because it was senior night… and because I wanted to get back into an environment where I could be with all my friends and have a good time,” senior Mallory Seirer said.
Even with a few hindrances at the event, students understand the reason behind them and continue to adhere to them to the best of their abilities.
“It’s super sad about the restricted student section, but I know they’re doing it for our safety,” Seirer said. “There’s still a great atmosphere at the games… and everyone there is excited to support the football boys.”