Into The Woods Matinee

More stories from Shelby Spreier

Hillbilly Olympics
March 10, 2020
Seniors Gretchen Otter (“Baker’s Wife”) and Michael Smith (“Baker”) argue with each other.

Prior to opening night, the drama department put on the musical Into The Woods on Nov. 11 and Nov. 12 for elementary school students. The students came to the high school during seventh hour and watched act one of the show.

The Matinee is a way for the cast and crew members to have a chance to practice in front of a real audience before the opening night.

“Doing the casts makeup is a different feeling than everyday makeup, the Matinee is a great way for the cast behind the scenes to get extra practice and a feel for what the actual performance day will feel like. ” junior Sierra Wedel said.

Into The Woods is a musical that brings together storybook characters including, Jack and the beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Rapunzel and a little of Snow White and Sleeping Beauty.

“Cinderella and Little Red are pretty well known for little kids and even if you haven’t read them you know who they are, and [Into The Woods] goes off of more Grimms’ Fairy Tales which is interesting.  I really liked the storyline because each fairy tale had its own lesson,” junior Francie Robu said.

Throughout the Musical, the narrator telling the story metaphorically grows up. The first act represents his childhood and how stories always have happy endings but in the second act he realizes that in reality not all endings are happy.

“In the beginning the narrator was younger and so the story was all happy and then later as he gets older on many deaths happen and he gets more serious and isn’t as childish. It was really fun to work on the development of him going from a young boy to a teenager,” junior Jacob Phillips said.