Honors English II Presentations

More stories from Ben Schmidt

Boys Basketball
February 3, 2020

Students in Honors English II had the opportunity to present about a topic that sparked their interest. Many students chose to do ones that are affecting people that others may not realize.

“I did alcoholism because I feel like it’s a problem that a lot of people don’t realize,” sophomore Kenyon Forest said.  “People over consume it way more than people give them credit for and no one really see it as a problem.”

The class had to make posters over certain problems in society, each following a certain layout. Each person had two days to make the poster.

“[having two days] wasn’t the greatest. It was hard picking a topic and researching it in the little time we had,” Forest said.

Many of the students found the presentation eye opening and many became informed about the topics discussed.

“Listening to these presentations was really helpful and I gained new insight on the world’s problems,” Forest said.