Spanish I – April 25

Freshman Olivia Sandoval writes on a whiteboard.

A study from Carnegie Mellon University found that interactive activities are six times more likely to help students retain information than passive learning. Interactive learning includes involving students in activities like role-playing and quiz-quiz-trade.

“It’s helpful. It helps you remember things – kind of like muscle memory. It just sticks in your brain,” said freshman Olivia Sandoval, a Spanish I student. “[It helps because] you’re constantly repeating the same answers or you’re getting questions asked in a different way.”

Spanish teacher Chandler Ochoa brings a unique, student-oriented approach to teaching. She focuses on student participation and creating an environment where students feel comfortable enough to try speaking a new language.

“I like [the atmosphere]. It’s fun and it’s comfortable,” Sandoval said.

A solid foundation is necessary for the future prosperity of Spanish-speakers. By cementing the building blocks of the language in Spanish I, Ochoa is contributing to the success of her students.

“Our food project was probably my most favorite thing. It was about all of the different [Spanish-speaking] countries, and we had to make food that was special to that country,” Sandoval said.