Railer News is the online home to The Newtonian , student newspaper of Newton High School. It is produced by a staff of high school journalists who abide by the principle of journalism: to present facts and events truthfully and without bias.
Opinion articles are labeled and do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff and /or the publication.
In accordance with Kansas law, the Newtonian staff is entitled to freedom of the press. Neither Newton High School or USD 373 is responsible for any article, advertisement, photo, illustration or opinion piece published in The Newtonian.
The Newtonian is an open forum. We encourage letters to the editor, but they must be signed and be no longer than 300 words. Letters may be submitted to the Newton High School main office.
The Newtonian is a member of KSPA, JEA and NSPA.
Street Address: 900 W. 12th, Newton, Kan. 67114
Journalism Phone: 316-284-6280, ext. 2113.
Journalism Department E-mail: nhsRailerNews@gmail.com