Prom committee pranks school with “emoji” theme
2019 Prom theme released one day later as “Viva Las Vegas”
More stories from Benton Dreasher

Late Sunday night, Jan. 19, Student Council (StuCo) revealed the Prom theme to be “Emoji” on both it’s Twitter and Instagram accounts. Alongside the official StuCo pages, a few members of the junior StuCo posted the aforementioned announcement to their personal accounts as well.
Many students found this Prom theme to be very upsetting and went as far as to contact StuCo members.
“We had many student’s who were genuinely upset,” junior StuCo member Eli Blaufuss said. “We got a lot of very angry DM’s, a lot of angry snapchats from people asking if we were serious.”
Unbeknownst to a large amount of the student body, the “Emoji” Prom reveal that took play on Sunday was simply a ploy to throw off the student body.
“The Prom committee just wanted to prank the school. You know? People have a high expectation about Prom every year, so we just wanted to try to subvert their expectations.” Blaufuss said. “Then when everyone’s down in the dumps and up in arms, we hit em with the ‘Guess what everybody? It’s your favorite Prom theme: Viva Las Vegas’.”
The Prom Committee of StuCo took inspiration from former StuCo members who in an attempt to prank the student body, the Prom Committee hosted a fake reveal of “Minions” for the 2011-12 school year.
“We took their idea in a sense. Both my brother Sam Blaufuss, and Grant’s brother, Logan Treaster was apart of the prom Committee that did that,” Blaufuss said. “We pulled a quick one, took inspiration from our predecessors prank.”
The actual prom theme was revealed the next day after Student Council’s stunt, the actual theme is “Viva Las Vegas”.
“We also put up some poker chips and playing cards on the walls around the school,” Blaufuss said. “They were meant to be a bit of a hint.”