Cheer Prepares for TOC
More stories from Atlanta Lopez
On Saturday January 12, the cheer team prepares to get ready for their performance at the annual TOC taking place in Ravenscroft gym. TOC took place on both Friday the 11 and Saturday the 12. The cheer team cheered both days for the wrestlers. In between matches, the girls were allowed to go to their hospitality room and eat breakfast and lunch prepared by coach Angie Voth.
“My favorite part about TOC is always the team bonding we have while we sit around and eat and getting ready to perform,” said junior Becca Meyer.
As the day began, the cheerleaders started to get performance ready. Total, it took 5 hours for all the cheerleaders to do their hair and makeup. The hair and makeup styles that were selected were chosen by seniors Briar Grant, Naomi Kuhn and Lesha Holeman.
“We choose the makeup by looking at a lot of different pinterest posts and just seeing what we like the most. We choose the hair by seeing another girl wear it and we just thought it was really cute so we decided to do it. My favorite part about getting ready was probably just getting ready all together because it is just kind of a tradition thing, but if I had to choose a specific aspect, it would probably be the hair just because the braids were really cute,” said Holeman.
After makeup and hair were done, the cheerleaders went into Willis gym to run through their performance. The cheerleaders had been preparing for this performance since late November.