“I was at a family thanksgiving and my uncle and mom were in an argument and idek what it was about but my mom was getting angry and then yells “santa’s not real” right in front of me and my cousin and we were like 5” senior Adah Hodge
”My story is not good. I just learned from people at school and santas gifts started lessening under my tree” Junior Emma Gering
“So we were on a camping trip and I was in 3rd grade and I remembered my friends were all talking about santa and stuff so I went and asked my parents and they told me the truth and I balled my eyes out” sophomore Chaylee Nash
“In 3rd grade on Christmas Eve everyone started talking about what there parents were gonna get them for christmas and then my friend goes santa is getting me a new phone and i said omg me to and then everyone started telling us he wasn’t real” sophomore Pozzi Krehbiel
“In second grade, they made me sit on some guy, and he didn’t have a red nose, but they all said santa.I knew he wasn’t Santa, so I figured Santa was a figure for people to dress up as.” – Rowin Hawkins
“I found out when I was hanging out with my older cousin and he told me he wasn’t real.” junior Ryan Antle