German 1 Class 2/28

More stories from Schyler Entz

Sophomore Madelynn Hamm and senior Ricardo Lopez work on their task.

On Feb. 28 Nan Bergen’s first hour German I class worked on writing simple sentence structures. Students were asked to write down the correct verb tense and work on writing the right modal verb. 

The course starts with the most basics of learning the German language. They learned to introduce yourself, you learn your colors and numbers. They learned family, school and freetime terms in another unit. Then you have a food unit, where you learn food names and proper terms you use as a restaurant. 

“Right now I really like what we’re learning because we’re starting to learn more actual sentences, rather than just little words. It’s helpful to learn the sentences because it was hard to really talk and answer questions when we didn’t know sentence structures,” freshman Piper Seidl said. 

German 1 is the beginning class to learning German, after that you can take German II. Then the advance class German III/VI is offered. 

“I decided to take German because I want to graduate with the German cords, after I take German all four years,” Seidl said.