Winter Sports Homecoming Pep Assembly

More stories from Kati Blaylock

Students dance along to the drumline during the last song.

In order to celebrate the end of Winter Sports week, students gathered in Ravenscroft gym on Feb. 7 for a pep assembly. To start off the event, STUCO members introduced the Winter Homecoming candidates and the candidates played a game made by the cheerleaders.

“It was awesome even to be given that opportunity to be up there,” senior Keila Gilispie said. “It shows that people actually like me and think that I am a nice person and that just makes me feel really good.”

After the game, the students watched the railiners dance, but this time with a special surprise. The railers choreographed a flash mob dance with students in Michelle Schrag and Michelle Eron’s classes, homecoming nominees and other students.

“I have a big heart for differ-ability kids so inclusion is something that’s very big for me,” dance coach Amy Pollard said. “It was something i’ve been wanting to do forever and i’m glad we got to do it.”

Closing out the pep assembly, senior Tony Lemus led the crowd in a cheer to lead them into the basketball games that would follow later that evening.

“I feel great leading the ‘I believe’ cheer, I just get so hyped and pumped,” Lemus said. “I really like being in the front and being the one to lead it. I am going to miss it next year.”