Homecoming Basketball Game and Coronation

More stories from Schyler Entz

German 1 Class 2/28
March 12, 2020
Senior Jaheem Ray brings the ball up the court.

Homecoming festivities began on Feb. 3rd, with spirit days and different activities in the evening. The events concluded at the home basketball game on Feb. 7th vs Hutch. The boys team won 77-45. 

“This season has been really enjoyable and we’ve had lots of fun together as a team, the homecoming game was super fun with the home crowd and us pulling out a big win,” senior Kolyn Sauceda said. 

During the game there also was different events happening including the fine arts fundraiser with the pig roast, the railaires leading kids singing the national anthem before the boys game and the coronation of the candidates during half-time. 

“It was a really fun experience getting to be on the court, plus everyone else on the court was super fun to hang out with. I liked getting ready to, it was fun to get all dressed up,” senior Keila Gillispie said.

The students celebrated the win with the alma mater and then went to the dance after which was held in Willis gym and officially ended homecoming week. 

“Homecoming week is always pretty busy for us[STUCO members] but we’ve got a good team of people to deal with things,” senior Eli Blaufuss said.