Homework does not benefit students


Adolescents attend school on a daily basis, repeating the same class schedule. However, at the end of the day, they are constantly bombarded with hours homework that will benefit them in no way, which is why we need to limit the amount of homework given to students.
Homework has been proven to lead to health problems, according to Stanford University. In a study conducted in 2013, they found that students in high-achieving communities can experience more stress, sleep deprivation, weight loss and alienation from society when they spend too much time doing their homework. These problems they experience at a young age can be linked to many illnesses as they grow older, like depression and anxiety.
With the limitation of homework, cheating would come to a halt. According to Adcouncil, 67 percent of high school students admitted to copying someone else’s homework. This implies that students are more worried about completing the assignment than understanding what the material was on, which causes them to obtain worse grades in the class.
Battling over homework, internally and externally, will rarely result in school improvement. Kenneth Barish, a child psychologist, says many students don’t complete their homework due to frustration and lack of understanding. Barish goes on to say that for some teens, doing homework is like running with a sprained ankle: very painful but achievable. When students are frustrated, many shut down and are unable to complete the assignment, which results in failing grades.
With the limitation of homework, many students would avoid stress and harmful health factors, receive better comprehension on assignments and become more confident in learning new skills.