Plant and Animal Science- April 29

Shelby Spreier

More stories from Shelby Spreier

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Arranging the flowers, sophomore Taegen Stanley organizes the flowers in rows.

To help the Horticulture classes, on April 29, 7th hour Plant and Animal Science waters, organizes and helps sell plants and flowers. The Horticulture classes grew vegetables, flowers, and herbs to sell.

“I welcomed customers as they came in the doors, carried plants for them, rearranged plants and labeled them,” sophomore Madison Beasley said.

The money earned from the sale goes to current and future Horticulture classes, this helps them buy materials. Students in 7th hour Plant and Animal Science helped in with the sale as a way to learn about other Ag classes they can take.

“It gave me a new learning experience and I liked being able to help with something I don’t usually take a part in,” Beasley said.